These would be the "comedians" The Wildcats: an odious "gang" of "comics" that tell horribly offensive "jokes" to a "crowd" that just eats up the crudity. I was at the last "show" and was thoroughly disgusted-- they claim they're the best comics of all time (umm...right). During each show they berate the host, suggesting He or She is a "goofus" (umm...haha?) One Wildcat carries a knife, using It or She to threaten the host. One Wildcat addressed a woman in the audience, and suggested that She or She should make love to all three of them at once (uh...No. Just no.)
For one "gag," they used a "c*mbucket" and bought a bag of "ret*rd sh*t" from a gypsy. If you have to rely on the word "ret*rd," you're not much of a comedian! Someone could hear that word and bolster their own hate! I suggest a comic like Margarat Cho instead. Although, once she did say the word "idiot," and someone could hear that word, and assume that the whole sentence was "all peoples of Bolivian decent are idiots," and bolster their own hate. So actually, let's just lay off "comedy" for a while :)
Join me in NOT supporting the Wildcats show at The Creek and the Cave (of Jerks) this Friday at 8. I will be Boy(or girl)cotting this act from here on out. Instead, kick it on my off-shoot vegan blog, where I'll be live-blogging some tolerant recipes!
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