Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Night of Festivities! I hope a certain three ruffians don't show up...

Now, I'm not one to "approve of things," but I'd like to invite you all to this event at the Creek and the Cave on Friday at 8.  It looks like a lot of fun!  Now if you're like me, you hear the word "fun" and tense up, immediately looking for what's wrong with this "fun" situation.  But this will genuinely be a good time.  Now and then we can have a good time!  For maybe 2 hours a month, the rest of the time should be spent with tight, semi-frowned lips, at a keyboard criticizing people's work, as is our duty as lap-top wielding heroes of the blogging arts. 

This event will include:

A Deaf Person Talking, Smashing of a Sack of Puppies, a Horse Abortion and a Dogfight but with Titties Instead of Dogs.

If you've read this far, you are not the Wildcats (whom I boycotted last month).  This is more words than they've read in their lives combined.  So I don't mind saying...this show may what it...seems?  But oh, I do hope the Wildcats don't interrupt this show, for I don't have anything...up my sleeve....

Yes, come enjoy some "comedy"......"Horse Abortion" indeed...What is it you all say? "Ha ha?"  Yes, haha indeed! HAHAHA. (So this is what it feels like to laugh? I don't like it.)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Creek and the Cave finally gets it right!

Finally.  Finally, finally, finally!  The Creek and the Cave is doing something right!

I'm happy to see that this Friday, July 12th at 8 pm, a gay marriage is taking place.

I've been pursuing the blogging arts for awhile (it really is the great art, the hardest too!), and moments like these are why myself and my fellow bloggers have been struggling artists (if you've ever not been sure if your dad's check will go through before you owe Apple money to install extra storage on your second laptop, you know what I'm talking about!  But that's the grind) for all these post-grad months.  

This is a great departure from the usual events at the Creek and the Cave of Jerks.  "The Wildcats" show is filthy, I blogged it to pieces in my last post.  "See You in Hell" promotes the religious right's idea that there is a Hell, "Underbelly" doesn't fit my preconcieved idea of what comedy should be, and that infuriates me.  And all the shows are run by white men!  Hey Creek and the Cave, how 'bout on your marquee every night you just write "SATAN LOOK-ALIKE CONTEST!!"

But now they got it right, with the wedding of Matteo Lane and Eric Janeczek!  I don't know Matteo Lane or Eric Janeczek, but they are oppressed, so they have to be good people.  Join me in watching this celebration, and feel that guilt wash right off you!

Further event suggestions for the Creek and the Cave to save it's image:

Vegan Scrabble 
More Improv, please! (the Volcanic Robots are on an EPIC run!)
Slideshows of things that bum everyone out

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Boycott the Wildcats show this Friday!

Now I love a laugh, and I'm all for free speech.  But now and then a comedian needs a little guidance, because he for she or transgendered is causing significant harm to society.  If God weren't a man-made distractiont, I'd pray to He or She to put a stop to one such "act." 

These would be the "comedians" The Wildcats: an odious "gang" of "comics" that tell horribly offensive "jokes" to a "crowd" that just eats up the crudity.  I was at the last "show" and was thoroughly disgusted-- they claim they're the best comics of all time (umm...right). During each show they berate the host, suggesting He or She is a "goofus" (umm...haha?) One Wildcat carries a knife, using It or She to threaten the host. One Wildcat addressed a woman in the audience, and suggested that She or She should make love to all three of them at once (uh...No. Just no.)

For one "gag," they used a "c*mbucket" and bought a bag of "ret*rd sh*t" from a gypsy.  If you have to rely on the word "ret*rd," you're not much of a comedian!  Someone could hear that word and bolster their own hate!  I suggest a comic like Margarat Cho instead.  Although, once she did say the word "idiot," and someone could hear that word, and assume that the whole sentence was "all peoples of Bolivian decent are idiots," and bolster their own hate.  So actually, let's just lay off "comedy" for a while :)

Join me in NOT supporting the Wildcats show at The Creek and the Cave (of Jerks) this Friday at 8.  I will be Boy(or girl)cotting this act from here on out. Instead, kick it on my off-shoot vegan blog, where I'll be live-blogging some tolerant recipes! 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to Hug SAFELY

The Hindenburg disaster at Lakehurst, New Jersey on May 6, 1937 brought an abrupt end to the age of the rigid airship. After more than 30 years of passenger travel on German commercial zeppelins (during which tens of thousands of passengers flew over a million miles on more than 2,000 flights without a single injury) the era of the passenger zeppelin came to an end in a few fiery minutes.
The exact cause of the accident has not been determined, but one thing is clear; the disaster hadnothing to do with the zeppelin’s fabric covering.  In fact, the Hindenburg was only the last in a long line of hydrogen airships destroyed by fire as a result of their highly flammable lifting gas.

Best Places for Kale in Williamsburg

The Hindenburg disaster at Lakehurst, New Jersey on May 6, 1937 brought an abrupt end to the age of the rigid airship. After more than 30 years of passenger travel on German commercial zeppelins (during which tens of thousands of passengers flew over a million miles on more than 2,000 flights without a single injury) the era of the passenger zeppelin came to an end in a few fiery minutes.
The exact cause of the accident has not been determined, but one thing is clear; the disaster hadnothing to do with the zeppelin’s fabric covering.  In fact, the Hindenburg was only the last in a long line of hydrogen airships destroyed by fire as a result of their highly flammable lifting gas.

What A Real Comedian Looks Like

The Hindenburg disaster at Lakehurst, New Jersey on May 6, 1937 brought an abrupt end to the age of the rigid airship. After more than 30 years of passenger travel on German commercial zeppelins (during which tens of thousands of passengers flew over a million miles on more than 2,000 flights without a single injury) the era of the passenger zeppelin came to an end in a few fiery minutes.
The exact cause of the accident has not been determined, but one thing is clear; the disaster hadnothing to do with the zeppelin’s fabric covering.  In fact, the Hindenburg was only the last in a long line of hydrogen airships destroyed by fire as a result of their highly flammable lifting gas.


The Hindenburg disaster at Lakehurst, New Jersey on May 6, 1937 brought an abrupt end to the age of the rigid airship. After more than 30 years of passenger travel on German commercial zeppelins (during which tens of thousands of passengers flew over a million miles on more than 2,000 flights without a single injury) the era of the passenger zeppelin came to an end in a few fiery minutes.
The exact cause of the accident has not been determined, but one thing is clear; the disaster hadnothing to do with the zeppelin’s fabric covering.  In fact, the Hindenburg was only the last in a long line of hydrogen airships destroyed by fire as a result of their highly flammable lifting gas.


How Come Only MEN Have Dicks???

The Hindenburg disaster at Lakehurst, New Jersey on May 6, 1937 brought an abrupt end to the age of the rigid airship. After more than 30 years of passenger travel on German commercial zeppelins (during which tens of thousands of passengers flew over a million miles on more than 2,000 flights without a single injury) the era of the passenger zeppelin came to an end in a few fiery minutes.
The exact cause of the accident has not been determined, but one thing is clear; the disaster hadnothing to do with the zeppelin’s fabric covering.  In fact, the Hindenburg was only the last in a long line of hydrogen airships destroyed by fire as a result of their highly flammable lifting gas.